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Old 17th February 2013, 10:45 AM
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Linbro Linbro is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Watched 'Inside' this afternoon and loved every minute of it. The early scenes were very creepy - the scene where 'the woman' backs away from Sarah, when she's on the couch, and merges with the dark room behind her was brilliant.
Usually, for me, these films fall away once the mayhem starts, but this held it together 'til the end. Didn't out stay its welcome, either - a very brisk 79 mins.
Paradis, as Sarah, was excellent, but it was Dalle, as 'the woman', who stole the show.
Wtf hasn't this got an English subbed blu release?!?!
The only extras were a trailer, and a 'making of', which was very good.
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