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Old 25th February 2013, 10:50 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Blog Entries: 21

Mixed bag at the weekend....THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS

Paranormal Activity 4. A confused and confusing mess, with two standout moments for me, the much lauded kinect sequence made my eyes hurt so f to that!!! Will still watch the 3rd, but sheeeesh, diminishing returns etc......AAAnyway

Argo. Look, on a purely human level twas a decent, emotionally involving tale, but the CIA aren't "good guys" by any stretch of the imagination IMO.

Malice In Wonderland. Dyer Time!!! Odd wee thing, only watched half because I noticed a Lichtenstein doc on BBC4, so a bit cheeky, but I liked what I'd seen, so will rewatch and put up a proper review on the appropriate thread cough cough geezer...

Killer Joe. Liked this curious blend of Tennessee Williams and Jim Thompson (it's theatrical origins are obvious, but decently rounded out), haven't had much time for MM in the past, but this is certainly a singular performance, Recommended!!

Wreck It Ralph. Too formulaic in structure for me, not a patch on TS3, regardless what Wossy says in the ads, some nice references but was too two dimensional for my tastes

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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