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Old 21st March 2013, 09:15 AM
SilverGunnar Hansen SilverGunnar Hansen is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011

Originally Posted by Linbro View Post
Bit of a mixed bag this week, quality wise.
Started with 'Maniac Cop'. Really didn't like this at all, had forgotten all about it five minutes after finishing. In a word - dull.

'Return of the Living Dead'. One of my favourites, when I was a teen and it was first released. Must have watched it 10 times! My taste has obviously changed, and I couldn't even finish it. Horror-comedy is just not my thing anymore.

'From Beyond'. Another of my old favourites, and I enjoyed this a lot more than ROTLD. Still found it a bit dissapointing though. For me, nostalgia value only.

'City of the Living Dead'. This is more like it! My first time, and I've now seen the Gates of Hell trilogy. I was super impressed by this. I've only seen four Fulci films, and they have all surprised me - in a positive way. I did think 'The Beyond' and 'House by...' were better, but this was still great. So many WTF moments!
What I don't understand is this - almost everything I've read about these films always mentions the 'lack of plot', or how 'incoherent' they are, how they only work when you apply 'dream logic'. To me, the plots are coherent, and easy enough to follow. Is it because not everything is spelt out? What do you guys make of the plots?
I still love From Beyond, it's almost as incoherent as Fulci in a way - I love Fulci flicks but usually on a first watch people just have to let the wonky logic wash over them, then it usually clicks more on subsequent watches. I don't think it's a problem since they're supernatural stories anyway, but I can see how it might turn some people off. But yeah, I think when you say they're coherent - they are in context of how anything can and should be able to happen when you have teleporting zombie priests gouging out brains.

The bits that make them seem most incoherent usually involve secondary characters who're dispatched pretty randomly - Giancarlo in City, the blind girl in The Beyond. The New York Ripper is another good example of Fulci seeming incoherent but actually deliberately misleading audiences - in retrospect and on repeat viewing it all makes some kind of sense. Still quite silly though!
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