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Old 22nd March 2013, 10:44 AM
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Delirium Delirium is offline
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
I'm about 5 minutes into Argento's Dracula, thought I'd give it a shot. Expect an update with my thoughts in a little under 2 hours
Genuine question.. as I see this a lot.. are less and less people actually watching a film, for better or worse, uninterrupted these days? I genuinely don't understand it, and see "I'm currently watching this.." posted on forums a lot these days.

It's the equivalent of people using their mobile phones in the cinema, only without the distraction to other people of course.

Have we now reached a stage of internet or social networking dependency where we have to update other people on our actions at that very exact time, rather than fully committing and involving ourselves to the activity at hand.
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