Thread: Jess Franco
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Old 3rd April 2013, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop View Post
Eugenie De Sade
Vampyros Lesbos
Lorna the Exorcist
Venus in Furs
Erotic Rites of Frankenstein
Bloody Moon
The Female Vampire
Mansion of the Living Dead
Macumba Sexual
Devil Hunter (I mean it!)

... are all random but probably good starting points.
I'd also agree with all of the above but I'd add The Awful Dr Orlof as well.

Let's not forget that Franco was hailed by Orson Welles as the world's greatest director (no, I'm not kidding!). He had a photographic memory, was a piano virtuoso and loved jazz, spoke several languages, and liked lesbians (always a good thing in my book ). This was no idiot. I think because he was so intelligent is the reason he got bored so quickly and did films in very quick succession to allay said boredom.

He will be greatly missed. In every one of his film that I've seen there was at least one moment that made you sit up and go 'Wow!' These lesser films as a whole might have been a bit rubbish overall, but he always threw something at you that would get your attention.

I'd agree with Tim Lucas who said 'To watch one of his films, you have to see all of his films.' Those who've seen a fair amount will understand what this means. Everything is kind of connected and the more you get into his films the more you start to dig where he's coming from.
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