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Old 9th July 2009, 07:32 PM
vipco vipco is offline
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Originally Posted by vincenzo View Post
If they resubmitted the uncut prints they would have to pay the same fee as before, even if the cuts ended up waived or not. Shameless wouldn't know if the BBFC would waive them until the film is submitted and viewed.

This is why most companies simply re-release the same cut print. No BBFC submission would be required unless the print is different in any way from the previous one (ie uncut, extended, widescreen etc).

I would have thought that some times the BBFC would unoffically mention IF a certain release was resubmitted it would fair more favourabie. mmm So no 'old boys network' then. You pays your , what is it £1200 , and takes your chance.
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