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Old 11th July 2009, 04:32 PM
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Peter Neal Peter Neal is offline
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Originally Posted by loops View Post
Pete i'm suprised at how strict the german censors are considering some of the movies that come from there. I remeber a friend gave me a german porno and porn mag and i have never seen or read anything more depraved in my life!
It's even more surprising considering that the Italians often added more gore etc during the 70's/80's exploitation hey days for the Japanese AND German market.
It's no question of demand, quite on the contrary: That's why distributors even release films such as "Chaos" in heavily edited form over there.
But their censors simply refuse to smell the media reality of the 21st century and instead try their best to go back to their 80's scissor-happy tactics.
BTW: Basically all the German underground horror flicks get their uncut and unrated release via Austria these days...
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