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Old 14th April 2013, 08:07 PM
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Originally Posted by gag View Post
Would you rather ,

Quite surprised with this fairly enjoyed it, group of people being tormented and tortured but they have to torcher each other, it doesn't rely on violence and gore more of atmosphere tension suspense etc, and it does that quite well,
Playing on characters fear and how far are you prepared to go to save the life of a loved one, only downfall I had was there wasn't much on the character side of their background and why they was there and the same for the bloke who was dishing out the choice of torture, but al in all a recommended watch either way.
I quite enjoyed it too.
It was refreshing to see a "torture" flick that was actually good and not same old thing recycled.

Tonight I watched Steven C Miller's Under The Bed, its about 2 brothers who go up against a monster that lives under their bed. Now I enjoyed Millers Aggression Scale and Silent Night so was looking forward to seeing this. It has some good ideas and there was good parts but the end was a complete let down. It ruined the whole movie and just made me think meh. It had some cool ideas but the actual script was a bit hit and miss and I felt the characters were not well written. If your looking to spend 80 mins with a creature flick then check it out but be warned about the ending.

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