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Old 22nd April 2013, 01:05 PM
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Hawkmonger Hawkmonger is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bolton...The Cursed Earth of Europe

Finished The Big O last night. Sodding well amazing. Not to sound like one of those love struck teenagers whom, after watching the most recent Michael Bay snooze fest profess it to be the best thing ever...but Big O really is that good. Just one of the best TV series (not just anime) I have ever seen, up there. The ending was a mind ****, but unlike EVA who's mind rape was obviously down to the budget being blown to quickly, or Madoka Magica just being very, very disturbing given it's pedigree. Big O felt like it was going somewhere before getting shelved after the (much belated) second season. The destruction of Big Venus seemed to herald something bigger coming, with both Big Duo and Big Fau out of the picture I wondered what the creators had coming next. Maybe the project will be dusted off soon and given a third run, here's hoping anyway, because there's so many essential and tasty questions left hanging. Is Roger an android and Dorothy a human? Is Scharzwald really dead? What is this new class of Big's and what does it mean for the cast? And what do Tomatoes have to do with everything?!

Now this is a call out to all people on here whom I know dislike anime, Pete, Rik et al. Seriously, set aside your disregard and watch this series. It's just to damn perfect.
Sent from my freezer with the power of will and a bit of crack.
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