Not really a strange collection as such, but I used to collect Star Wars Tazos when I was at Senior School. For the uninitiated, Tazos were circular pieces of plastic, which could either slot together or could be stored in the 'Tazo Collectors Force Pack' which, sadly, I also owned. They were given away free in packets of Walkers' Crisps. Somewhere, up in the loft, I still have the complete set of Star Wars Tazos, gathering dust!
I dread to think how many packets of crisps I ate to get the full set of Tazos but one day, when the doctor diagnoses me with high cholesterol, I'll know that in some part, this will be down to excessive crisp consumption in the quest for that elusive Tazo Lando Carlissian! What's even sadder is the fact that just typing this is making me want to dig the buggers out!!