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Old 8th May 2013, 07:35 AM
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Hawkmonger Hawkmonger is offline
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Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly View Post
DREDD. Nowhere near as much fun as the similarly plotted THE RAID. Sorry Hawk.

BLOOD ON SATAN'S CLAW. Rabidly anti youth and counter culture madness set in the mud, a theme that runs throughout another weird beard film of the same time period, PSYCHOMANIA. That said, both films are high on my all time fave list as they perfectly capture the esoteric folk byways of an England that is real and mythic at the same time.
On Dredd. Your entitled to your opinion, I just felt, as a martial artist, that the choreography in The Raid was just awful and really took me out of it. Dredd was an adaptation of source material I love and did it justice, but I can certainly see where the two divide the communities.

Blood and Satans Claws is still on my to watch pile but all this good will is making me want to push it up there a bit.
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