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Old 21st May 2013, 02:24 AM
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Linbro Linbro is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia

'Killer Joe'. Entertaining enough, but not totally satisfying. Off the charts crazy, but something didn't quite work for me.

'Prometheus'. Was ok, I guess. Held my attention to the end. I don't need everything explained in a film, so was more than happy for the crashed ship/space jockey to remain a mystery in 'Alien' - in my opinion it added to the film. Not that the explanation was terrible, it just can't compete with the sense of mystery/awe you feel when watching 'Alien'.

Wanted to check out the recent German blu of 'Pulp Fiction' - great quality, compared to the crappy Aussie 1080i release. Only watched one scene - the final one, in the coffee shop, when it's held up. Still one of my fave scenes of all time, Jackson is amazing.
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