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Old 25th May 2013, 10:00 AM
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Delirium Delirium is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Good Trader
Join Date: Apr 2008

Watched Come out and Play last night.

It's not bad - technically pretty decent - but I didn't find it anywhere near as effective as the original, despite upping the gore factor slightly. It emulates the original very closely indeed, so there's not much in way of surprise, and whereas I've always found the original rather creepy, I didn't find this was at all. It's not a bad film; it's well directed, the leads are very good and believable as a real couple, and a film always gains a point if it has an interesting soundtrack - the drone/synth of this being very effective; but for me, director Makinov (plastering his name over the credits in bold at every opportunity) has simply made a passable copy of an already perfect film, and despite upping the gore has managed to lose both the intensity and insanity.
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