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Old 3rd June 2013, 08:13 PM
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troggi troggi is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by nosferatu42 View Post
Watched a double bill last night of two recent purchases that i'd previously not seen.

Galaxy of Terror & Evil Aliens.

i suppose u could say the link is aliens, though thats a little weak but hey ho.

Thought both were pretty enjoyable although neither were classics in my opinion.

Galaxy's story was pretty haphazard and had some interesting actors in that were not used to their fullest, but in a cheesy 80's way was very entertaining and thought some of the design work was interesting.
The alien attacks were entertaining, people mention the maggot attack alot but my favorite was the demise of the actress from tv's Happy Days(but this was probably because i found her character annoying).
Thought the idea of the alien representing individual characters fears interesting but needed more development in the film. Also they totally forgot about Robert Englunds character at the end.

Evil Aliens was pretty cheap and cheerful and alot of the acting was pretty dodgy. Also it was a bit too crass for my liking, a little too adolescent.
Having said that i found it entertaining throughout and could easily forgive some of the moments that failed. Trying to be like Evil Dead and Braindead is no bad thing but it needed a few more atmospheric scenes mingled in the mix to make it more effective.
Not particularly original, more of a mix of favourite scenes and moments from other films but put together in an entertaining way.

So quite an enjoyable night in my opinion, both pretty short aswell which makes an easy bouble bill to sit through, recommended.

Can't decide which i liked more because i would probably rate both film's 3/5.

Hope that's ok for u Troggi. Previously i've given idea's for Double Bill's, all of the films i mentioned i've seen in the past and most of them i own, it's just finding the time to actually do a double.
Yayyy! Thanks for taking the time. I haven't seen either of these films and they sound like a fair night in with too much popcorn and a six pack (of the aluminium variety of course).

Thanks for the first real theme night you win a virtual cupie doll, they're much better imaginary than the real thing, believe me!

See folks! That's how t' do it, with some flair and style, I might add>

"Sometimes my soul just moves so slow
Like a dream of diesel heart that just won't go"

Monster Magnet
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