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Old 13th June 2013, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawkmonger View Post
Some releases are only available in boxsets. Like The Mara collection, Beneath the Surface and Cybermen collection 2. Other, like Cybermen collection 1, Pertwee boxset and Sontaran collection, are collected releases of single editions available individualy. In the latter case there is now extra upgrade in quality and such. Unless it's a revisitations edition.
Cheers Hawky! So basically the boxsets are the best choices overall? Presume they're probably better value for money too (although won't that play havoc with having them in order on the shelves?)

I'm up to the Doctor's Wife now (which I thought was TERRIBLE. Can't believe Neil Gaiman wrote it and people speak of it so highly) but also rewatched the last 2 Ecclestone episodes too. Can people honestly say that Moffat has done anything worse than the whole Big Brother/AnneDroid/Trinny and Suzanna thing at the beginning of a two-part final Doctor story? That was my problem with a lot of RTD's stuff - you could practically hearing him chuckling to himself at his desk over how clever he thought he was being.
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