Originally Posted by Demdike You could have a point. Many counter jobs are seen rightly or wrongly, as short term employment taken up by school leavers to generate some money.
Perhaps applying for management positions in stores would be better. If you are getting interviews then you are clearly the right material, sometimes experience, daft as it seems, in my opinion, can seemingly undermine potential employers as they may feel its their job you really want. |
Oh i'm applying for management jobs, non management jobs, I'm beefing up my skills with training. Just got an ITQ1 and going on to do level 2 through free courses from the job centre with a look to leaving the retail game all together. Shame really as in spite of some of the more aggrevating parts of the job I really enjoyed doing it, especially working in Blocky where I really had a passion for what I was doing. It just seems that a lot of retail is a case of the younger the better. Also i'm stuck in a part of the world where jobs are thin on the ground, so I have to apply for whatever is going.