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Old 10th July 2013, 11:24 AM
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Bringer Of Funerals Bringer Of Funerals is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Middlesbrough
Blog Entries: 80

Zombieland on blu. I heard there was plenty of fans out there that raved about it. So I bought it in a HMV sale on blu but never got round to watching it. Well on Monday night I finally got round to watching it. It was quite funny and some of them rules I suppose you could apply to a zombie apocolypse.

There was just a few problems, I didn't see the point of the Bill Murrey cameo and when they endered the theme park and turned all the lights on wouldn't they have seen that all the lights and music would have attracted the zombies. Other then that its became one of my fave zombie films.
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