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Old 18th July 2013, 02:15 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry

Peter Fonda plays an indie-car racer naked Larry who along with his alcoholic mechanic rob Roddy Mcdowell's supermarket to fund their passion. Mary played by Susan George, is the blonde Fonda's character hooked up with the night before and decides to tag along for the ride. The film follows their attempts to escape, there's plenty of supurb car stunts and humour in store. I'd never seen this one before (shame on me) but it came double billed with RACE WITH THE DEVIL (one of my favourite films) so I gave it a whirl and really enjoyed it. Didn't realise it was directed by the always awesome John Hough (legend of hell house and incubus, two more films I really enjoy) who directs the car chases better than anyone I've seen. (I would argue their better than Bullitt) The Blu-ray release looks and sounds incredible and the extras are all from a previous Anchor bay release.

Race With the Devil
Warren Oates and Peter Fonda head across country with their missuses and run into a powerful cult of Satanists.
I absolutely adore this film. Its Flawed, the satanic conspiracy is too big to be plausible, but the film throws in horror influences from casting the runes, Devils rain and The Wicker man and mixes it in with a kick-ass car chase/stunt movie. The final scenes with the extended chase between the Satanists and the RV always leave me breathless. Fantastic stuff.


Decided to keep the petrolhead theme with..

Gumball Rally.

Another one i'd not seen before. Has an early Gary Busey appearance. The humour dosent always work but its damnned entertaining. Certainly worth watching...

Vanishing Point.

The 70's car movie as an allegory about Jesus, as Kowalski makes his way through the desert encountering many temptations. Chock full of religious imagery and motifs (is the DJ judas escariot) and Kowalskis seeming willing self-sacrifice for the benefit of all.

or perhaps i'm reading too much into it..
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