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Old 22nd July 2013, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike View Post
I've always steered clear of The Cavern as The Cave put me off potholing movies for good.

Wow - no one on Amazon has a good word to say about it. From 20 reviews.
I found a positive review.

"3.0 out of 5 stars The Cavern, 17 Dec 2010
By mr. michael healy (york., york. United Kingdom) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Cavern [DVD] (DVD)
Strange tension building.At first predicable story board.Then not so shure,twists and turns in the cave and in the way the tension builds.Shocks and confuses viewer throughout leading to a shocking and unpredicable climax.May be a low budget film but limitations of budget soon forgot as tension mounts."

Btw the shaking camera is not that bad/often used in this one and I hate shaking cameras.
People complain much of it plays in the dark...they're in a cave what do they expect?

If you can get it for 1p...
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