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Old 30th July 2013, 06:19 PM
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Wes Wes is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Vermillion Sands, Cork, Ireland

Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
Totally agree tried showing some of these to friends and they did think they where rubbish, mind these people also watch X factor etc and soap operas so their taste don't really mean much!
Someone left a comment on my blog the other day regarding The Keep and how embarrassing it was when he showed the film, which he loved, to his friends - with unexpected disastrous results and I know exactly what he means. I almost never show my wife and of my films anymore, because she's just not into the likes of Suspiria and so on, but worse still, when we watched one of my films I ended up watching the film through her eyes, thinking "God, she'll find this section of the film pretty boring!" and so on. Some things are just not for sharing !
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