Originally Posted by PaulD Exactly. Like I said before films like Foxy Brown, Squirm, The Car, Runaway Train or Django Prepare a Coffin also haven't had HD releases before. Releasing a film not seen since VHS would likely cost a hell of a lot more due to restoration and there's no assurance that it'd make a great deal of money back. There's likely to be a good chance the film's not been seen since VHS after all.
I'm so sick of people p--sing and moaning that companies never release anything new when all they mean is they haven't released anything that personally appeals to them. Two different things. As bizarre-eye says, they're a business and so making a profit is key. They don't owe anyone anything. |
Quotes like the one above are exactly the problem that this forum has had and will always had in that if you dare to mildly criticise Arrow or Shameless for what i would class as valid reasons you get people going on the defensive to annoying levels.