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Old 9th August 2013, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
The thing is an argument could easily be made that surely more obscure VHS-titles are likely to sell less, due to them being less well-known? Factor in the cost of restorating the print and it seems obvious why companies won't go near such a thing. It seems like such a big risk.

I do find it tiresome when Arrow reissue and repackage their previous releases (The Beyond steelbook, however many damn Battle Royale editions) but have no problem with them releasing stuff on bluray that hasn't been released before. There are loads of films I'm not keen on (Time Bandits, all the erotic stuff) but that's the benefit of wide-ranging cult releases.
The films don't have to be obscure etc surely there is a lot of films that where big titles in the day that haven't been converted yet?
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