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Old 15th August 2013, 08:21 PM
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Rondadoronron Rondadoronron is offline
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Default spring time

Originally Posted by Wes View Post
Yeah, that's a tall claim alrite, and even though I don't know much by either ISB or Bolan, I never made any connection between the two...

I should admit right now that I've become a bit of a Springsteen whore in the last few weeks - I saw him back in July and it was a road to Damascus moment. Old age settling in I think. This time next year I'll probably be listening to Joni Mitchell...groan....
Wow i thought I was the only one,hit my 40's and got a liking for Springsteen,Do you think its like The Crazies and there's been a chemical spill in the water supply,just a thought.
I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken, chicken on goat, couple of chickens doing a goat
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