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Old 16th August 2013, 08:28 AM
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troggi troggi is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by nosferatu42 View Post
I didn't think much of 'The Brood' when i first saw it many years ago, but revisiting it made me appreciate it much more now i'm older. I really liked it last time i saw it although 'Shivers', 'Dead Ringers' and' Videodrome' are my favourite David Cronenberg films.
I think you've hit the nail on the head; 'Shivers', 'Dead Ringers' and' Videodrome' are my favourite David Cronenberg films too and despite such work as "The Naked Lunch" grabbing headlines!

It would be so good if he revisited his roots and gave us more of his visceral horror like "Dead Ringers" which I feel has a terrifying "normality" about it because of Jeremy Iron's skill as an actor even though his characters are so "out of whack!"

I also think Cronenberg made a a fine psychopathic psychiatrist in "Nightbreed" especially in that creepy mask!

I am going to re-visit "The Brood" at some point and see if I will appreciate more now than I did when it had a theatrical release!
"Sometimes my soul just moves so slow
Like a dream of diesel heart that just won't go"

Monster Magnet
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