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Old 24th August 2013, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I think what Nos was referring to is that he has nothing positive to say and doesn't contribute anywhere else on the forum except to moan about Shameless.
That was exactly my point because, as you identified, lfulci has only posted in this section. That's fine, but I had an issue with the tone and the lack of constructive criticism.

Shameless will be made aware of the responses to the two new announced titles – I'd also like more polizzioteschi, gialli and slashers but I'm intrigued by these two and will add them to my collection. In the end, it's a consumer driven market and no one is forcing you to buy their releases and I'm sure Shameless will be able to use the sales figures to tell which types of films are selling best. I certainly don't admonish them for trying something new. After all, Almost Human was a move away from previous releases and that was extremely popular.

Anyway, enough of this – back to topic!
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