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Old 26th August 2013, 08:54 PM
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Cultist on the Rampage
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Join Date: Jun 2008

Campsite Massacre - In truth, the picture quality on this DVD spoiled my enjoyment of it to an extent - yes, it's 'digitally remastered' in the Vipco sense!! Picture quality doesn't tend to bother me that much (unless it's a BD or expensive DVD) and, to be fair, I was expecting it to be bad but a lot of the action takes place at night and some of the darker scenes were quite difficult to make out. Nevertheless, this is a fairly standard early 80s slasher and, whilst it's not a shining example of the genre, I've seen a lost worse! Lacks a bit in the gore department but, when it comes, it's done quite well. Also notable for an early appearance from Darryl Hannah (and one she probably scrubbed from her CV).

Boardinghouse - even within the context of all the other random crap I watch, this is one crazy film!! The 'plot' roughly goes like this ... bachelor with telekinetic abilities inherits a house where lots of bad things have happened and decides to turn it into a boardinghouse, although, from the advert, he clearly has a certain criteria for his tenants (ie. if you're, young, female and beautiful, contact Jim!!). Despite Jim's transparent lecherous intentions, beautiful women soon start to arrive (a bit like 'Field of Dreams' really) and bad stuff starts happening again. To go into any further detail would spoil the fun but, suffice to say, this isn't a 'good' film in the traditional sense but it's an absolute blast! Slasher Video have produced what must surely be the ultimate presentation of the film and there are loads of extras I've yet to work my way through, including a 2.5hr director's cut . Recommended.
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