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Old 28th August 2013, 08:22 PM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Thriller- They call her one eye.


Watched this last night, i have seen the uncut one before but when i bought the film i went for the cut edition. I just find the hardcore inserts pointless and distracting and because of how the full eyeball scene was supposedly filmed i'd rather not have this playing on my mind.

Apart from all that i thought it worked better as a film for me this time. I really like the female lead and think she looks cool in her eye patch and long jacket blowing away the bad guys.

Its just a shame there's so much slow motion in the killing scenes, it kind of works in a weird hypnotic way, but they're just too drawn out. Surprisingly from the cover it's a much more serious film than you would expect, i wouldn't put it on when i'm looking for an purely entertaining watch.

Having said that i found the scenes when she's learning to drive, shoot and kick ass pretty entertaining. A good watch in my opinion but you can't beat 'Ms45 Angel of vengeance' in my mind for a good female revenge flick.

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