Thread: Code Red
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Old 30th August 2013, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I'm hoping to buy them from diabolik dvd. I really don't want to get stung for customs fees, and it's a shame that there's no easy and cheap way to buy Code Red's releases anymore.

Before when Navarre had the distribution rights, I could at least buy them from Amazon etc. I really don't understand why Code Red can't use Scorpion's distributor, after all, aren't they brothers? Maybe they don't get along.

Some great titles they have slated for Blu release, though. I'm not too bothered about Nail Gun Massacre, and can't see how the Blu will be much of an upgrade over the Synapse DVD, and Voices from Beyond is an absolutely awful film. However, Just Before Dawn, Messiah of Evil, Nightmare, and The Redeemer will be mine - despite me already owning Messiah and Nightmare on DVD!
In fairness. It may be a little dear but i've never once been stung by customs from anything I bought off Bill. I even ordered about £100+ in one go (way back when I actually had a job) and it got through fine. I don't think he actually sticks the value on the box.
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