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Old 1st September 2013, 10:06 AM
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Slippery Jack Slippery Jack is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: West Midlands, UK

I remember there being a bit of positive buzz about Detention on here, so watched that last night. I found it fairly obnoxious to be honest. All that too-cool-for-school whip-panning with woosh sound effects. Remined me of other American comedy I never got on with, like Scrubs or Malcolm in the Middle. It’s like the frenetic pace is there to mask the lack of any actual wit, just chuck everything at the screen and see what sticks, under the guise of BEING WACKY. I suppose the attempt to do something different is admirable. But I think it failed as a horror film, and as I only smiled a few times, for me it failed as a comedy too . . .
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