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Old 1st September 2013, 06:31 PM
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Wes Wes is offline
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Location: Vermillion Sands, Cork, Ireland

Originally Posted by Invid Ninja View Post
From what I gather, noone quite knows the full extent of Mann's original cut of The Keep as sources do range between the 150 minute to 210 minute mark. Glad more people are giving the film a look at least. Even in a truncated form, I still consider The Keep one of the single most atmospheric films I've ever seen.
Yep... there's obviously a longer version of the film in Paramount's vault (or perhaps all the trims have been destroyed) but I can't imagine Michael Mann delivering a 3 hour cut of a Horror film especially something as out there as The Keep. I read the book recently and there's a lot of good stuff in there. Most interestingly is the character of Mosalar - in the film he's depicted as a slightly silly demonic muscle man, while in the book, he's an associate of Vlad the Impaler and dresses accordingly...
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