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Old 8th September 2013, 06:55 AM
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Hawkmonger Hawkmonger is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bolton...The Cursed Earth of Europe

pain And Gain (2013)- I've said a lot of bad things about Michael Bay on these here pages. And for my money, I still don't like his guts, targeting children with mysogynistic, boring, overly long and nationalistic dog shite (Transformers and Pearl Harbor et al). But THIS is the Bay I can stomach. When he's making a hard R action film with all of the above factors ramped up to 11 in such a way it can only be a laugh. And that's where P&G succeeds. It's a violent and sleezy little film that knows exactly what it is and doesn't apologies. Probably one of the better movies I've seen at the cinema this year. 8/10 for The Rock who is hilarious in this?
Sent from my freezer with the power of will and a bit of crack.
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