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Old 2nd October 2013, 07:24 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


Way back in 2005 I picked up the excellent (for all the wrong reasons) I DRINK YOUR BLOOD, Trailered on the disc was this film, I remember watching the trailer and thinking I must see this movie!. I showed it to friends and they all insisted I buy the film and we should have a night of beer, weed and hippies.

Eight years later i'm sober and most of my friends are respectably married. This morning the Blu-ray dropped through my door.

Blu-ray wasn't even a thing when I first saw the trailer.

So with apprehension I stuck the Blu in my player and gave it a whirl. I say apprehension, because this damned film has been built up over EIGHT FREAKING YEARS.

"Surely it can't be that good?"

"I bet the trailer was all the good bits!"

I still remember sitting down to watch MASSACRE MAFIA STYLE and realizing the trailer was not only the entire opening of the film, but nothing after it was anywhere near as good!

Even then I had to watch an inferior DVD as waiting to actually get this film was a chore!

Still now I had American Hippie and I was about to damn well find out if it was a disappointment or not!!!!!


Loved it.

It's cheesy, overblown, the symbolism is way to heavy handed and everyone seems to overact. But I enjoyed myself a lot. For all its flaws its a sincere film made by an enthusiastic director and this all comes through in the finished work. The dialogue is insane to the point of being genuinely funny and it looks phenomenal.

To be fair to Grindhouse here, it may have taken eight damn years but the results shine through. The transfer looks beautiful, the sound quality is excellent and there is a whole raft of extras to wade through afterwards. There is even a third disc with a rare longer cut of the film titled 'the hitchhiker'

It's region free (both DVD and blu-ray) and limited to 2000 copies so worth picking up before it goes totally rare. Its around £15 on Amazon as I type this and worth every damn penny!!!!
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