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Old 3rd October 2013, 07:05 PM
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Wes Wes is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Vermillion Sands, Cork, Ireland

Well, were talking briefly about metal on another thread so I thought I'd pass on this link to anyone who might be interested -
Send Back My Stamps - Metal History Through Fanzines

SEND BACK MY STAMPS! is a site dedicated to reproducing interviews and ephemera from Fanzines produced in the early days of the (death/thrash/black etc.) metal underground. This era was notable for its pre-internet production of DIY media, that followed the punk tradition born out of the 80s, and gave life and communication to a disparate, global fan base within the then nascent thrash/death/black/grind underground. I will post as many interesting pieces as I can whenever I can, mostly stemming from the stacks of zines I collected from the mid/late 1980′s until the late 1990′s period, before the internet (mostly) killed the DIY print media underground. A lot of these Zines will fade into history and be forgotten, so here is a place to hopefully immortalize the endless hours of work that went into getting the death/black/metal underground started in the glory days of yesteryear. Horns up! – Jason Netherton, 2010.

Plutonium Shores - a journal cataloging interests, obsessions and random musings... so I don't forget.
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