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Old 13th October 2013, 06:51 PM
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troggi troggi is offline
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Originally Posted by Buboven View Post
Lets just say I would give the first 2 stars aswell and this one 4 stars outta 5, so in my opinion its a significant. It ramps up everything so it feels more like a wild exploitation film than the original which was weighed down by its political commentary and too many talky bits. In short, I found it just SO much more fun.

I don't get all the criticism for it being sexist and misogynistic e.g like the idiot who did the Empire Review - ITS A FREAKING EXPLOITATION PICTURE FFS!. Filth which is out at the moment also has plenty scenes of women in sexy get-up but hypocritical mainstream critics look past that and hail it a excellent film.
I read the Empire review earlier and, unfortunately, found that the paper was too shiny to wipe my arse on! All I can say is that Empire sent the wrong person to review "Machete Kills". He should have reviewed something more up his street like "In the Night Garden" or "Octonauts" and they should've sent someone who can put their tongue in their cheek without dribbling down their multiple chins. T'b' fair I 'ave no idea 'ow many chins the reviewer 'ad, nor do I care!

I will 'ave t' wait t' see "Machete Kills" as both troglets 'ad their birthdays this month 'n' chrimbo's a' comin' so troggi's mate, Pearl, 'as put stoppers in me pockets 'n' rat traps in me wallet t' stop me buyin' useless stuff like DVDs 'n' comics
"Sometimes my soul just moves so slow
Like a dream of diesel heart that just won't go"

Monster Magnet
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