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Old 21st October 2013, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by ArgentoFan1987 View Post
I think I should send you a warning before you watch this film:

Don't watch this film. It's one of the worst films I've seen in quite a while. It's also the whitest and bleakest film I've ever seen. Nothing actually happens in it until the last ten minutes. It is well acted though. It was a waste of 80 minutes of my life (the longest 80 minutes ever, by the way!) it's just another one of those reasons to dilsike George Lucas even more. But to each their own. Those are just my opinions.
Ah, well now I have to disagree with you there, the slow pace is in keeping with the sedated view of the future(can you imagine being force fed tranqs to keep everybody so zonked out that they can even outlaw sex) it's when Duvall finally kicks-off that he comes back to life and the film awakens and rushes to a climax(ahem)
See I kinda like that bleak view rather than Whizz-Bang rocket ship action stuff, tho there are some great action/Sci-Fi films out there I find myself drawn to stuff like THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451 and Slaughterhouse Five these days.
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