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Old 22nd October 2013, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by bdc View Post
Well...just finished watching Sucker Punch (2011)...think I've watched the theatrical version as it says nowhere on the blu's which version they contain?
Anyway,it seems I watched the shorter version as I noticed the other version is longer.

Maybe I should watch the extended director's cut as well before doing a short review?
Well...I've watched the extended director's cut as well now.

Short review (please keep in mind I'm tired. )

"A young girl (Baby Doll) is locked away in a mental asylum by her abusive stepfather. She retreats to a fantastical world in her imagination where she and four other female inmates at the asylum, plot to escape the facility. The lines between reality and fantasy blur as Baby Doll and her four companions, as well as a mysterious guide, fight to retrieve the five items they need that will allow them to break free from their captors before it's too late...."

If this was an anime made by a Japanese crew it would probably get more praise...but it's not.

The main problem is that this was made by a US director for US audiences and the envisioned pg-13 rating does not help.

The whole voice-over and included "message" is obviously there for the mainstream audiences (who seem to have to be constantly told what's going on in a film) and is handled awkwardly (to say the least) as well.

The extended cut features footage where we actually see a "brothel show" being performed (which sort of lightens the mood of the film),more action (some obviously unfinished/lesser quality takes are also included) and what is probably the most important cut scene...the high roller scene at the end which wraps up Baby Doll's story perfectly.

It was probably cut for the pg-13 rating which is a real shame as this works really well.

Overall Sucker Punch certainly has it's moments but also some weaknesses...the film also feels rushed at times and not complete (the missing high roller scene in the theatrical version should have been kept in imho).

But it's probably the best live-action anime adaption style film I've seen.

Deleted "brothel show" dance scene

High roller scene alternate ending (SPOILERS!)

Last edited by bdc; 22nd October 2013 at 07:53 PM.
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