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Old 25th October 2013, 09:13 PM
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Sam Sam is offline
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Killer Clown - aka 'Killjoy Goes to Hell' - I enjoyed the 2 Killjoy films I've seen prior to this and this one is no exception. I think the reason I like the 'Killjoy' films is that they don't take themselves at all seriously and almost embrace their own crapness . The plot of this instalment is actually quite original, with the devil putting Killjoy on trial for not being evil enough. Whilst this idea is probably a little underdeveloped, this is still a lot of fun with a healthy quota of corny one-liners and gore. The 88 Films DVD is bare bones, which is a bit rich given their 'treating classic films with respect' strapline, although whether this one would fit the description of a classic is debatable. Overall, I'd recommend this one if you can pick it up relatively cheaply.
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