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Old 5th November 2013, 07:34 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Who dares wins.

Loved every second of it, it might looked dated as it's set in the 80s but that adds to its charm, it's wonderfully shot and the last 15minutes has you on the edge of your seat. The cast are all great both udy Davis and Ingrid Pitt are well written, we have to have the best cat fight between Collins wife and Pitt. The might be a number of plot holes and the terrorist demands are just silly. It might just be me but I found Collins to be a excellent action hero and would of made a good bond. Can't believe I actually never seen it before 9.5/10

Phantasm 3

Enjoyable but not as good as the first two, the kid has to one of the highlights. 7/10

Phantasm 4

I still don't understand what's going on half the time in this film, and by now you would think Reggie would know not too have anything too do with women! 7.5/10

Nightmare on elm street 3

My second favorite. A great addition to the franchise before it started going down hill quickly until a new nightmare. Many highlights which include Freddys back story with his mother, welcome to prime time bitch and puppet death. Only downside is the stupid ass wank master, sorry wizard master. Without that it would of scored a ten. 8.5/10

Next up cellar dweller. Picture quality is ok and probably the best we will see, but so glad to finally have this and dungeonmaster.

Last edited by trebor8273; 5th November 2013 at 08:42 PM.
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