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Old 9th November 2013, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
Invasion of the body snatchers

I prefer the remake to the original just find it a lot more creepy and disturbing, also it's brilliantly shot with some great camera work and it has a real sense of paranoia. The man headed dog is still very creepy. Never has some one pointing been so frighting. Only downside was I didn't think the PQ is up to arrows latests releases, it's not bad but if you compare it too other new releases you might be a little disappointed . 9/10

Lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring

Forgotten how much I enjoy these movies, it's not hard to see why and how they were better than the Star Wars prequels that came out around the same time. George sat on his ass and did nothing new, while Jackson improved special effects with these films, if you look now it's dated a bit but the effects still look better than the Star Wars prequels effects and there was also a lot of lovely model work and real sets, sadly something the prequels lacked. 9/10

Lord of the rings the two towers

Probably my favourite of the trilogy, some amazing battle scenes and great acting from most of the cast, also gollum was amazing and shows what can be done with cgi if done right, you watch him and its hard to think of him as not being real, with the amazing facial expressions and Andy serkis amazing voice
acting and movements. 10/10

Now watching the catacombs which have never seen then a Texas chainsaw massacre double bill with the first two movies.
Two towers has always been my favourite rings film, can't believe others do not normally agree. It just sums up 'Lord of the rings for me. Fellowship lacks Gollum and Return in it's Theatrical cut lacked Saruman, whereas towers had it all, and great battle scenes.
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