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Old 10th November 2013, 10:18 PM
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JoshuaKaitlyn JoshuaKaitlyn is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Manchester

Following on from the previous weeks Hammer fest this past week I decided to go Amicus!

At the Earth's Core (1976) My Dad took me to see this when it originally came out and I remember that I wasn't too impressed with the effects! Still aren't but its a nice nostalgia piece!

And Now the Screaming Starts (1973) Very Hammer like, not a bad movie.

The Terrornauts (1967) WTF! What were Amicus thinking! Three Scientists, Charles Hawtrey and a char lady save planet Earth from an alien invasion! The movies poster offered 'Virgin Sacrifices' by a muscular green skinned alien!

Dr Who and the Daleks (1965) "Exterminate!"

Daleks Invasion Earth 2150ad (1966)

The Land That Time Forgot (1975) Bloody awful effects but you know....I liked it!

The People That Time Forgot (1977) Slightly better in the effects but even Dana Gillespie cant help with this one!

The Vault of Horror (1973) An anthology which I haven't seen in years and I enjoyed it more for that reason.

The Mind of Mr Soames (1970) Another one that I haven't seen in years...and wont again for a long while! It bored me I ended up making paper aeroplanes and throwing them at my teenage son whilst he was watching 'Ghost Protocol' on the portable DVD player! (none of my sprogs share my love of movies! They consider my Shameless and Arrow collection as porn! God knows what they think of my Tinto Brass boxset!

Anyway next week its the turn of Tigon
Alea iacta est."
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