Originally Posted by Rik Currently reading the debut novel by a friend of mine that he's sent me to proof read and offer criticism and feedback on. It's a "Dark Romantic Comedy" as he puts it, which isn't a genre I would usually read, but after only reading the first 4 chapters I'm already engrossed in it and have genuine feelings for the main characters, in fact I'm enjoying it so much that I've transferred it onto my phone to read on the bus or my second favourite seat in the house
I've always known he was destined for better things than working in an office for a major building society, the guy designed his own version of Monopoly when he was a kid based on our home town of Halifax called Tomonopoly (His name is Tom just in case you didn't get that  ) and despite only being 25, he's probably the cleverest person I know! |
Almost a year later and tonight he sent me the start of his latest novel, kind of a sequel/spin off to the one I mentioned here, featuring a minor character of the first novel as one of the main characters here.
Once again, I'm absolutely engrossed in the story and also a little annoyed that he sent me it before it is finished (it was only 27 pdf pages long) as I really wanna know how the story turns out.