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Old 12th November 2013, 10:32 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


Nun and the Devil

Well, on my rare off days from Asda I'm still going off on buying trips looking for stuff to flog on Amazon. Came across this and decided to keep it!

Sat down before work yesterday to watch it expecting some real sleaze but was surprised to find its actually fairly tame as nunsploitation goes, though to be fair it is one of the early ones. It's also beautifully shot with some great sets and locations and great camera work. The plot is fairly political with a nun moving herself up to mother superior thanks to some underhanded tactics and friends in the right places and works as a condemnation of the Catholic church. Anyone looking for some cheap sleaze should look elsewhere, but those after something that's surprisingly more cerebral should give it a try. It's described on the back as Italy's answer to the Devils and in political terms that's fairly dead on. Its a more restrained than that movie however and a rare case of an Italian picture cashing in on a western films notoriety and not being way over the top.



Getting back from work, as per usual i'm knackered and in the mood for trash. This has been sitting about the place for ages so I unwrap it and give it a spin.
A group of college kids head out to the old ghost town for college stuff (usual flaky movie logic) only to find the place is plagued by hoards of wolves who kill any poor unsuspecting fools who think the old abandoned mining town in the middle of nowhere is a great place to go wander round in. The teens have to find away to escape with their lives as the intelligent wolves begin to hunt them.

Basically this is exactly the kind of film it looks like from the sleeve. A filmmakers gone through their list of things available cheaply and stuck them all in a film.

Ghost town set used in almost every tv and low budget film shot in southern California...Check.

Trained wolves....Check.

Hungry young actors looking for work....check.

Glue it all together and you get Wolf town. Actually pretty enjoyable is somewhat forgettable. This one is going to be haunting charity shops for decades to come and if you find it for a quid then its well worth pick up!
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