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Old 17th November 2013, 08:16 PM
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troggi troggi is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by nosferatu42 View Post
Some good stuff there Troggi, Uzumaki is really interesting although i found the ending a bit disappointing, supposedly its from a manga or jap comic or summin. But good film still.
Never seen Condor so can't really comment on that.
Tideland is really interesting, i found it to be a bit like a kids version of Texas chainsaw in some ways. i found it uncomfortable too but when you evaluate it objectively it sort of isn't. I won't go into detail in case i put anyone off watching it, but it's a really interesting and brave film from Gilliam.

Devils Reject's is good but i still prefer the first movie House of a 1000 corpses, same characters just more horror based, very chainsaw grimy feel and grindhouse influenced shenanigans. Also i find it pretty funny too, if you haven't seen it check it out.
Personally though i'd say skip the Halloween remakes, they're not badly made just kind of screw up what made the original so good.
Thanks for the advice, nos 42, almost exactly as my little girl says about Zombie's movies!

My daughter is actually reading the manga of "Uzumaki" at the moment and says that it is "totally screwy" not one to twist words, eh?

I think that we're reading from the same page on "Tideland", you're right when you say " i found it uncomfortable too but when you evaluate it objectively it sort of isn't", I meant to say that it was sort of innocently uncomfortable, and reminiscent of that awkwardness when accidentally encroaching on someone else's privacy.

To be honest I watched "Operation Condor" like a cracker and glass of water, something of very simple taste to "cleanse the palate after a rich tasting meal". I find that sometimes, after a particularly thought-provoking film, it's good to reboot the old brain-box with something fun or adventurous, in this case both, and always have one or two around, just in case!

And before anyone calls Social Services about my daughter's upbringing I freely admit that letting her watch "Buffy" as a kid was irresponsible but we've got past that now!

p.s. Katherine, the Daughter of Darkness, is in Fareham with her bloke, Iain, to see "The Circus of Horrors" at this moment! That's ma girrrl!
"Sometimes my soul just moves so slow
Like a dream of diesel heart that just won't go"

Monster Magnet
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