Originally Posted by bitchslicer i loved cradle of fear! my fav part was the snuff website bit, yeah EH is a great film but i never hear anyone talking about it
is it the unearthed grusome cover you have, cuz thats the one i have too and im now trying work out which one to get rid of? they both have the same special features.
the unearthed dvd cover is in english and has the grusome pic on the front.
but the one i just got has loads of pictures on the inside which folds out really nice and had a booklet of pics from the film in it.  [/QUOTE
I loved Cradle of Fear too! My favorite bit is when Emily Booth gets her kit off!  need to get it on dvd, I bough the uncertified vhs before it was officially released, got it signed in person by Dani Filth too!  |

yep emily booth getting her kit off was a great bonus to the film, havig a signed vhs is great! defo a keeper