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Old 27th November 2013, 12:58 AM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post

Tonight I watched the deliriously mental ELIMINATORS starring Miss Crosby who must assist a Mandroid to stop Mad scientist Abbot Reeves (played by the excellent Roy Dotrice) from using his Time machine to take over ancient Rome. They are assisted by Andrew Prine () playing the han solo character and Conan Lee playing a Ninja.
Seriously....Mandroids, Ninjas, mad scientists and time travel all produced by Charles Band.
I actually pity the person who isn't curious enough to give this one a go. It's actually pretty good as well. It takes itself seriously enough to be entertaining and doesn't give a shit about plausibility or logic. Just what sounds cool. As a result the whole thing is insane and fast paced with lots of action.
So far the that's two for two on the 4 movie sci-fi marathon!
You're right about 'Eliminators', it's hugely enjoyable, fast paced 80's cheesy entertainment. Really like Andrew Prine in this ( and 'Simon, king of the witches', which is well worth seeking out), did anyone notice him in 'Lords of Salem'?
You didn't mention the cave men though, i loved this film as a 10 year old and
was worried i wouldn't still like it but shouldn't have as i really enjoyed it again when i revisited it.
It's the kind of film a 10 year old would wish for ,just get all the good stuff, mix it up and see what happens. 8/10
I also have the sci-fi marathon, 'Arena' was enjoyable too in the the same kind of way, but not quite up to 'Eliminators' standard.7/10
America 3000 is pretty bad, but is still entertaining if you're in the right mood.5/10
Haven't got round to watching 'The Time Guardian' yet though.
Great set though if you're a fan of dodgy 80's b movies. Although the transfer quality could be improved a lot on most of the films, but it wasn't too expensive so i'm just glad i got a copy of 'Eliminators'.

Brings back good memories for me, i used too have a poster of this on my wall at one point, also had Demons, Fright night and the original poster for Return of the living dead, all courtesy of the local video rental stores. Good times.

This is my favourite Return of the living dead cover.
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