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Old 4th December 2013, 08:06 PM
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Zann Zann is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2012

Only God Forgives

First off this looks gorgeous. A very clear and effective Kubrick influence in composition and camera work....also reminded me of Argento in the use of colours and colour filtering. Really graphic violence for a mainstream picture, quite sleazy at times with predominantly morally ambiguous or downright nasty characters. A kind of shoehorned ooh taboo dynamic between three of the characters which seemed a bit contrived but adds to the sleaziness nonetheless. I think I'll need to see this another time to really make my mind up about it because I found the pace to begin with frustrating and I did think "not another movie with Gosling staring silently and enigmatically" more than once. I haven't read any reviews on IMDB but I did see it got 5.9 which is way to low for this highly stylish and pitch black revenge movie.
I was busy pushing bodies around as you well know and what would a note say, Dan? "Cat dead, details later"?
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