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Old 21st December 2013, 12:56 AM
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Stephen@Cult Labs Stephen@Cult Labs is offline
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Default New Arrow Announcements...

Fran's one line, "Arrow Video was the brainchild of Almar Haflidason (PR guru then at the Associates and now Fetch PR) and Alex Agran", should be all you need to read to be know how much of a kick in the teeth it is that Arrow abandoned (that's the only way to put it) Cult Labs, when some people from other sites bad mouthed us on the internet (C*nt Labs being one of the names we're called because a few people were banned as we like to be a friendly place instead of letting people insult each other a la Aint It Cool & IMDB. That's what they did, even if they say they left because they could reach more people for free via Facebook & Twitter.
"Give me grain or give me death!"
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