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Old 19th January 2014, 01:33 PM
SShaw SShaw is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Good Trader
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Bremen

Off to Bristol for the week in a few minutes so this is likely to be my last update until next weekend.

Hell comes to Frogtown was exactly as I recalled. Piper improved dramatically by the time he worked with Carpenter. Here he is awful, but somehow, in spite of this, the movie manages to be enjoyable if rather average.

Bounty Killer I skipped this at Fantasia in favour of other things and after watching it on German blu-ray I have to say I am glad I did. It really has nothing to offer. A simple plot that manages to be predictable and completely senseless at the same time, dialogue that would shame even George Lucas, lead actors who while looking nice have no discernible acting talent surrounded by a supporting cast who its difficult to believe have ever appeared on camera before. This is bad cinema done badly. But it will appeal to you if you get off on attractive women shooting stuff with guns.

Now Wolf of Wall Street is a completely different kettle of fish. It is not clear how serious this movie is, but if taken as a cartoon of the stock-broker culture it works perfectly. Di Caprio gives a surprising good comic performance but lacks any subtlety. His is an exuberant over the top scenery munching performance, think Jack Nicholson as the Joker. And id therefore likely to win favour with the academy award voters who seem to lack all critical faculty and can only spot a good performance if the actor jumps up and down shouting "look at me I'm acting". This is a thoroughly enjoyable film and if you don't mind watching foul mouthed debauchery is highly recommended.
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