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Old 26th January 2014, 09:26 PM
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Maxsimmus Maxsimmus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014

Originally Posted by JunkMonkey View Post
Personally I would love to see Survival 1990 - looks like just my kind of drek.

My recently watched contenders for the Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen:

Frauen für Zellenblock 9 (aka The Women in Cell Block 9 & Tropical Inferno 1978 ) - tatty, underachieving, nasty piece of shit Women in Prison film. Even by director Jess Franco's standards this was a piece of crap.

Frankenstein General Hospital (1988)

Ghoulies IV (1994)

Ice Cream Man (1995) Imagine what would happen if the Children's Film Foundation had decided to blow the year's tea money on a slasher film.

Hellbreeder (2004) - a horrendous mishmash of Killer Klown slasher IT! knockoff mixed with endless arty-grainy stuff which makes very little narrative sense. At ALL!

Movie 43 (2013)

Infection: the Invasion Begins (2010) bloody awful, very amateur rehash of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers / Slither routine. You would have thought this story had been done so many times it was bombproof - but no, this time it was so ineptly done it was unbearable. This made It Came From Outer Space 2 look REALLY good.

Any and all of the compulsively shite films of Richard Driscoll.

And just to reopen an old wound Tarkovsky's Solaris is BRILLIANT! probably my favourite film of all time.
I remember Ghoulies 4 , think I lasted about 20mins lol.
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