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Old 11th February 2014, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Vipp View Post
I agree that Fight Club is boring. but i thought Momento was a load of warm poop too and folks tend to like both.

I think i have a theory that social pressure and good psychology works its magic into the minds of most and we all buy into something that actually isn't that great. for example, wait until 30 years from now and all the orange (AND I MEAN FU*KING ORANGE!) women look at photos of themselves with their kids and think... Wow! i was actually the color of a damn orange! that's nothing like the color of skin that's been left out in the sun but in fact the color of a fruit from a tree! what was i thinking...

so maybe one day the fight club fans might think the same thing. im no different either, and i hope my comment makes sense and doesn't annoy folks. I also want to say i don't dislike women or men who want to be ORANGE but wish in fact that they would stop paying a sun tan company to be the color of an orange.

PS - my fiance agrees that Fight Club is brilliant and sheds light on the indulgence of hedonism and what that might mean. so i also don't want folks to think i believe they only like FC because the marketing that year was great! lol.
I too agree about the orange people, but like to think i have my own mind enough to make my own decisions about a film etc.
But i do agree that a lot of people are just being spoonfed mundane culture and films etc, and just lap it up without any kind of thought process involved.
But isn't that one of the points of Fight club, and yes i think it's a great film.
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